Sunday School

We offer Sunday School classes for all ages at 10:00 a.m. each week.  In our Sunday School Classes at Fundamental we use Joyful Life by Abeka Curriculum.  We use the King James Version Bible as our text.


Mrs. Debbie Rader (Debbie has been our faithful preschool teacher for over 20 years. She seldom misses a class.  Debbie sings songs with the children, teaches them a story and creates a structured learning environment which gives even the smallest child the confidence he or she needs to attend a class at an early age. Debbie has a crayon box for each child and they color a picture every Sunday that applies to the lesson she teaches. She also awards the kids with stickers on their chart for bringing their Bible and attendance. Debbie has two helpers in her class, Brooklyn and Brenna Hutchinson. They are very faithful, also, and the kids love them. Your child is sure to make friends quickly and enjoy this class!)


Mrs. Loretta Ward  and Mrs. Diana Babcock  (These ladies are a dynamic duo!  They spends many hours preparing lessons for the children each week. On any given Sunday, you can peek through the glass window and see that the kids are singing, coloring, or cutting out their lesson. They continually reinforce the lesson throughout the class period. The children are awarded with stickers for attendance and Bible and usually a little treat for behavior. Your child would be sure to love this class too!)

1st and 2nd Grade

Ms. Brianna Hutchinson (Brianna does a fabulous job with her class of 1st Graders. She is very consistent and always has a great lesson planned for the kids. They learn a lot in Brianna’s class and love having her as their teacher. Your first grader would fit into this class, be very comfortable, and enjoy the morning with Ms. Hutchinson and her students!)

3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Girls

Mrs. Rebecca Cook  (Rebecca is a perfect fit for this group of young girls. She teaches them detailed and exciting  Bible lessons and the girls in this class truly enjoy her. She engages the girls in Bible truth while continually teaching Christ likeness. Your child is sure to enjoy this lovely group of girls and this sweet class.)

3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Boys

Mrs. Sue Taylor (Mrs. Taylor keeps this group of boys actively learning God’s Word through object lessons and hands on activities. Your young boy will learn Bible truths, scripture memorization, and Basic Bible concepts in this fun class.

6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Boys

Mr. Greg Reinfelder (Greg is a very devoted teacher and always has a wonderful Bible lesson planned for this group of junior high boys. The guys seem to really enjoy their class and have learned a lot of scripture and Bible history.  We are thankful for his faithfulness and are sure that your junior high boy will enjoy this class.)

6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Girls

Mrs. Cara Frank (Mrs. Frank is passionate about teaching young ladies the gospel and training them up in the knowledge of God’s Word. She teaches the ladies in an exciting manner digging deep into God’s Word to glean Bible truths each week. Cara is a mom to three and enjoys working with youth in several different ministries of the church.  Your Junior High student will love Mrs. Frank and enjoy her class.)

High School Boys and Girls (Joined Class)

Pastor Josh and Mrs. Leah Rader (This joined class of young men and young ladies is currently tackling courses on Bible doctrine and why we believe what we believe.  If you want your teen grounded in Bible truth, send them to this Sunday School hour.)

College and Career Class (Joined Class)

Tom Shihady (This class is for high school graduates to age 25)  Tom is using the “Current Culture” curriculum to engage this group of young men and ladies and help them defend their faith in their daily lives.  This class is an excellent way to meet young people and enjoy some fellowship, Bible truths, donuts, and coffee during the Sunday School hour.

Ladies Sunday School Class

Mrs. Nancy Eckola (Nancy has been leading this class through the book, “That I may Know Him” by June Kimmel.  This class is a wonderful time for the ladies to learn subject specific Bible lessons concerning women, family, and home.  This class is held in the connector building each week and all ladies are welcome to attend.)

Adult Sunday School Class (General Audience)

Dr. Tim Rader (Pastor Rader has been our pastor for over 35 years. He is very knowledgeable about God’s Word and would love to share the Bible with you in this interactive Sunday School setting. Chapters from the Bible are broken down and discussed by Pastor Rader and members of this class. We would love to have you join us and learn more about the Word of God. This class meets in the auditorium.)